Shipping Policy
· Yes, it’s true! We provide free shipping all over India.
Order Confirmation Requirement:
We'll only ship your order after confirming via WhatsApp. You'll receive an automated message from Nimbus Post (our shipping partner). Without confirmation, your order won't be dispatched.
Order Processing and Delivery:
· Orders are usually dispatched within 2-3 business days.
· The estimated delivery time Is 7-9 business days. (sometimes deliveries may vary and take longer than usual around holidays or due to circumstances out of our control)
· When your order has shipped, you will receive an email or SMS notification from us which will include a tracking number you can use to check its status. Please allow 48 hours for the tracking information to become available
Cancellation Policy:
Once you've placed an order, canceling it isn't possible. For questions or help, you can reach us through:
- Email:
- Phone: +91 8076384091
- Instagram: @liquidthreadss
- Address: A-14 street no.1 raja puri uttam nagar, new delhi-59
Damaged Items:
If your order arrives damaged, take a photo and send it to us via WhatsApp at +918076384091 within 2 days of delivery. We'll address the issue promptly.